Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tack Locker: Bridles

A bridle is what goes on a horses head. It helps you control and steer the horse. Bridles come in different colors and styles, but here are the basic bridles used for riding!

English bridle:

Western Bridle:

Bitless Bridle: 

Bits vary greatly, but each horse has their preference. That's right, horses have different tastes for bits! One horse may be very willing to be ridden in a fat snaffle bit, but another may need more control. When buying a bit for your horse be ready to try a few before finding that perfect bit!

Sometimes bits are double jointed, meaning they have something in the middle, called French Links or Dr. Bristol.

French Link D-Ring Snaffle Bit

Dr. Bristol Full Cheek Snaffle

 Try going to a tack shop/website and look through their bits and their names. :)

Do not attempt to ride your horse in a bitless bridle unless you're sure they have been ridden in one before and you can control them.

Next post is gunna explain how to clean saddles and bridles!

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